Monday, April 25, 2011

Pat on the back or slap upside the choose.

I have to admit something. I came *this* close to screwing up Easter this year. In my defense, Deuce was off all last week and we went to the beach for two days. When we got home on Saturday, I ran to the store and fought all the other lazy-ass procrastinators for the last two bunnies. Sadly, even the boys noticed their baskets were pretty empty. However, I had succeeded in pulling it off another year and was patting myself on the back until Bonus said, "Hey! Let's go look for eggs!" (Naturally, there were none hidden.) So, Dorkfish ran to the store and bought candy which I stuffed in eggs while hiding in the bathroom. (My original plan of robbing Deuce's birthday pinata, that we forgot to bust at his party, and use that candy was vetoed by Dorkfish... Sheesh.) As soon as I stuffed all the eggs, he made them start cleaning their room while I hid them. Yeah, they were so very thrilled...

This morning, I received an email from a good friend. She had screwed up Easter and was looking to me for support and suggestions. Feeling pretty smug that I had pulled off my own near miss, I emailed back some suggestions. But I believe we all know what happens when you begin patting yourself on the back... (That part is what we like to call 'foreshadowing' boys and girls.)

Twenty minutes later, Bonus goes in my bathroom to brush his hair and finds the tooth he had put under his pillow last night for the tooth fairy. Hearing the drawer open, I began my running-through-sand sprint to the bathroom in hopes I could divert his eyes at the last second.

No. Such. Luck.

"Momma, why did you take my tooth?" Bonus asked with a quivering lip.

"Baby, I didn't take it. I don't know HOW it got in there!" I said in a pitch only a dog could hear.

At that point, I began concocting a story about the dog scaring the tooth fairy and Dorkfish finding the tooth and hiding it in my drawer. A pretty pathetic story, honestly, but it worked! He woke up this morning and found a dog bone under his pillow that the 'tooth fairy had left for Molly'. The tricky part is that he wants to call her and thank her now...sigh.

So I believe the lesson for us all to learn here is two-fold: 1. When a friend asks you for advice, NEVER, and I mean NEVER, congratulate yourself on a job well done. 2. Try not to focus on WHY that friend chose YOU for that specific question...or the irony of the 'karmatic smackdown' you received.